2015巴塞爾鐘錶珠寶展 – 全球最高價值結他


We are very delighted to team up with Chow Tai Fook as Diamond Partner to sponsor high quality diamonds, and Gibson Brands as Sponsor, to create a CORONET® Diamond Gibson Guitar, which is designed by Mr. Mark Lui, to attempt achieving GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title.

Aaron Shum, President of Aaron Shum Jewelry

The masterpiece is a joint effort of three distinct brands. The creativity comes from the process of blending ideas and cultures from different industries, which further solidifies Gibson beyond just a guitar brand. All along we’ve been striving to expand our business to different sectors of the consumer market and ‘Eden of CORONET®’ is definitely an important milestone for what we target to achieve.

Henry Juszkiewicz

當古珀行邀請我擔任珠寶設計師時,我們研究了很長時間來決定這件珠寶藝術品將會是甚麼。後來,我們決定要做一支鑽石結他。我覺得應該找一個我最愛而且全球最好的電結他品牌 Gibson Brands,作為這支鑽石結他的藍本。
